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Wandering, but not lost...

Health Reasons to get out into nature

There are lots of theories about why spending time in nature might be so good for us. Some researchers, like Qing Li, a physician at Nippon Medical School Hospital and the President of the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine, believe the answer may literally be blowing in the wind. He and his team have spent […]

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We had a blast on the Paiute Trail

Man, the Paiute Trail in fall was breathtakingly gorgeous. The fall colors had just started to pop and were super bright. From sunburst yellow to fire engine red, the mixture of colors was mesmerizing. Paiute Trail 1 minute movie trailer: https://youtu.be/a91a1D6q0X8 A day on the Pauliute Trail (13 minutes): https://youtu.be/AzyqElJQFWA

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